One thing we can say about 2020 is that it has brought us more quality time outdoors with our friends and family. With many of us having to postpone international travel, we have noticed a huge spike in the frequency of hiking trips, as more people are choosing to explore their own “backyard.” To make sure your expeditions into the great outdoors are a huge success, we have put together the ultimate hiking essentials checklist with links to all the best deals on Flipp so you can grab everything you need, on sale!
Hiking Essentials Checklist
1. Weather appropriate clothing
Make sure you’re comfortable on your hike by checking the weather ahead of time, and choosing weather-appropriate clothing. Athleisure clothing made with moisture-wicking fabric is always a great choice to keep that sweat under control and your clothing dry. Consider other protective gear such as a hat and rain jacket. You can shop athleisure options by browsing the Fashion and Sporting Goods categories on Flipp.
2. Hiking boots or shoes
Depending on where you are going for your hike, make sure you select appropriate footwear to avoid injuries or tiring too quickly. Closed-toe athletic shoes or boots will be your best bet. If you’re in the market for a new pair of hiking boots, we recommend checking out stores like Big 5 Sporting Goods or K-Mart.
3. Water bottle
Honestly, there are few things worse during a hike than forgetting your water bottle. We recommend bringing more water than what you think you’ll need, in case of any emergencies. Insulated water bottles are a great option to keep your drinks ice cold throughout the day, plus, they’re environmentally friendly. It’s a win, win!
4. Sun protection
Don’t forget to protect your skin with some SPF. Even though your skincare products might contain SPF, broad spectrum sunscreen of at least SPF 30 is recommended for the best protection. Protect your lips too with lip chap that contains SPF. Hats and sunglasses are also crucial items to bring with you on a hike to protect yourself from the sun. Be sure to check out our SPF guide when selecting the perfect sunscreen for your skin type.
5. First-aid kit
A small first-aid kit or even just a baggy with a few essentials is often overlooked, but an excellent addition to your hiking bag, especially if you’re breaking in some new hiking boots or shoes. For day hikes we recommend a simple kit containing band-aids of different sizes, polysporin, painkillers, antiseptic wipes, gauze, and medical tape. You won’t regret packing this in your bag, we promise.
6. Snacks
Even if you don’t think you’ll need it, pack some snacks in your hiking bag. You never know when you might get lost or hungry during your hike. It’s always best to be over prepared with food in case you need to replenish or take a well-deserved break during or after your hike. Packaged foods like energy bars and nuts, as well as hard fruits like apples are recommended because they’ll last a long time without spoiling.
7. Battery pack for your phone
If you have one handy at home, we would recommend charging up your phone’s battery pack and bringing it with you on your hike in case your phone dies along the way. You never know when you might need your phone for an emergency, or to take a beautiful photo at the top of the peak.
8. Flashlight
Flashlights are key if you expect your hike to go later into the evening. Also doesn’t hurt to have it on hand in case your hike takes a little longer than expected.
9. Map of the park
If it’s available, make sure to have a map of the park or save one onto your phone. This will help you find your way if you happen to get lost or want to take your hike into a different direction. There are a lot of hiking apps available, so be sure to check out if your trail is included for easy access.
10. Hiking backpack
Lastly, carry everything you need for your hiking trip in a weather-proof, light, hiking bag. Search hiking bags or hiking backpacks on Flipp for some great options.
We hope our hiking essentials guide sets you up for success on your next hike. Getting outdoors and going for a hike is an excellent way to enjoy nature, while exercising and spending time with your friends and family.