Sharpen your pencils and take out your notebooks — back to school season is officially here! As we get ready to send our kids back to the classroom, whether in-person or virtually, parents are tasked with the challenge of shopping for all the school supplies on their list. If your wallet is shaking by the sound of the words back to school shopping, you’re not alone. That’s why today, we’re helping you find deals for the school supplies your child needs.

We put together these school supply lists for all grades, making it easier for you to find and compare prices on Flipp. If you’re reading from your phone, make sure you have the Flipp app downloaded so that you can view all the best deals near you when clicking on an item.

For all grades

From a backpack to carry their supplies to containers for school lunches, here are a few items that are great to have for a student in any grade.

Flipp Tip: Some schools may require students to wear a face covering. Although there is still a lot of uncertainty around back to school guidelines during COVID-19, it’s better to be overprepared. Check out fabric stores like Jo-Ann or Michael’s for fun fabric patterns for DIY face coverings. Here are three different ways to make your own face mask.

Pre-K and Kindergarten

This will be your little one’s first school experience, so make sure they have the supplies they need to express their creativity after studying their ABC’s.

Elementary Grades 1–3

Get your child excited for school with supplies and accessories they’ll love. Family Dollar has tons of notebooks, folders, and backpacks of different colors and characters to get their learning on.

Elementary Grades 4–5

These kids know what they want, and it’s all about making a good first impression. Get ahead of the game by scoping prices on Flipp, and find deals on all the essentials. Check out Walmart for some stylish backpack-lunch box combos, weekly planners, and dozens of supplies for under a dollar.

Middle School and High School

Apart from a few specific subjects, the supplies needed in middle school and high school are similar, which is why we have created a combined list. For the students who are entering the next phase of their educational career, check out Staples for quality supplies that will keep them focused as they work towards the honor roll.

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